How to save your money? Step by step

Detail all expenses for the month, including overdue debts and interest, in the Personal Expenses worksheet.

At this stage, it is important to understand what are the fixed and variable costs (fixed, variables can be reduced) and what are the most lifestyle related costs (which can be modified).

Expensive high-interest debt can be exchanged for cheaper product lines, such as payroll loans or personal credit.

Extra features like 13th salary, bonus, inactive FGTS account balance, etc. A great option to get rid of abusive interests. Pay cash to exchange everything for significant discounts.

Now that you know exactly where your money is going, it's time to rethink your monthly expenses and find ways to save money.


Control your home account

Electricity, water, gas and telephone bills can be reduced with discipline and more sustainable habits. It is possible to save money at the supermarket. Instead of making monthly purchases, shop weekly to take advantage of promotions. Going to fairs and buying products in bulk will also be good for your pocket.


medicine expenses

Many health plans maintain agreements with pharmacy chains offering relevant discounts, not to mention that generic drugs continue to be a great source of savings.


invisible costs

Pay attention to small day-to-day expenses, which are imperceptible and which, when controlled, can be reduced and generate a big difference in your budget, over a few months.

Fun and care for everyone
The variety of websites that offer coupons for cultural events, restaurants, gyms and travel is huge. Think about the possibility of exercising outdoors, opting for free events and having meetings at home. Credit card spending can also save vacations, in exchanging points for airline tickets.

How to save money? Follow these step-by-step tips

With the accounts in order, it is already possible to save.

Start saving by setting aside 10% of your monthly income and be disciplined. Don't expect to have money left in your account. As soon as the salary drops, transfer the money to the chosen application. Treat this amount as one more bill for the month.

Set a goal to be achieved. The size of an ideal minimum savings ranges from 3 to 6 salaries. In addition to monthly deposits, take the opportunity to increase the balance with extra income, such as 13th salary, vacation, bonus, IR refund, etc.

Remember that the goal is not just for saving money. Have expense goals too. To avoid relapses and not spend more money than planned, an important tip: try to leave the house knowing the health of your budget very well. Good luck!

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